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The 1st Annual Meeting of the
Society for Philosophy & Neuroscience
May 1-3, 2025 at Washington University in St. Louis
SPAN will host an annual meeting on May 1-3 2025 at Washington University in St. Louis. Meetings consist of invited lectures and symposia, contributed papers, and a poster session. SPAN encourages philosophers and neuroscientists to submit contributed papers and posters to the meeting. In some cases we may ask that a submitted paper be presented as a poster.
Program Committee: ​
Danielle J. Williams (Washington University in St. Louis)
John Bickle (Mississippi State University)
Corey Maley (Purdue)
David Barack (Lingnan & University of Pennsylvania)
Luiz Pessoa (University of Maryland) -
Caitlin Mace (University of Pittsburgh)
Nina Van Rooy (Duke University)
Evan Sommers (Washington University in St. Louis)
J.P. Gamboa (University of Minnesota)
Megan Peters (University of California, Irvine)
Nedah Nemati (Columbia)
Pia-Kelsey O'Neill (Dartmouth)
Deadline Extended: February 15th, 2025

The first meeting of the society is sponsored by
the WashU Philosophy-Psychology-Neuroscience Department (PNP)
with support from the Departments of Neuroscience and Psych & Brain.

Program Information

Conference Registration:
For convenience, you can purchase a SPAN membership below. Please note that membership does not register you for the conference. If you do not wish to be a member, but do want to attend the conference, then please choose the "non-member" price.
If you are categorized as a low income conference attendee (self-reported), then you do not need to buy an accompanying membership.
There is an option to add a donation. The donations are used to offset the conference registration fees for low-income members.
Conference Registration
Hotel Accommodations: ​
​There are 20 rooms reserved at the Knight Hotel located on Campus at Washington University in St. Louis. Additional rooms have been reserved at The Moonrise Hotel nearby. Please consider booking with the reserved hotels before finding other accommodations. Some double bed rooms are reserved for those who wish to share.
Hotel Accomodations

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